6 Tips to Add Drama, Emotion & Excitement in Your Anime Series

Anime is a form of Japanese animation that has a huge following worldwide. A lot of anime series tend to be rather generic and forgettable. To make your anime more interesting, you need to implement these 6 tips:

1. Use a compelling opening scene

In this scene from the movie "The Town", Ben Affleck plays a bank robber who is looking for a safe-haven.

Ben Affleck, playing the role of a bank robber, enters a bank and finds refuge in an office. He looks around for something to eat and opens the refrigerator door. As he opens it, he sees that it is full of food and drinks. He starts eating everything inside without even asking if he could have some or not.

This opening scene sets up the rest of the movie by introducing us to Ben's character, his family life, his criminal activity and also his need for refuge from all these things in this one place - this office.

2. Add twists and turns throughout the story

The story begins with a man and woman on a beach. They are in their twenties, and they are in love. The man is handsome, with blue eyes and blond hair, while the woman is beautiful, with brown eyes and brown hair. They are sitting close to each other on the sand, while they gaze out into the ocean.

As they sit there together, they watch as a young boy runs up to them. He has dark hair that sticks out in all directions and pale skin that is covered in freckles. He's wearing a red shirt with black shorts, and he's carrying a toy truck in his hands. The boy stops when he notices that the couple is sitting there watching him play with his truck.

The man smiles at the boy as he says hello to him before

3. Use different genres for different characters

Different genres are used for different characters in literature. This is a common way to show how different people have different perspectives and experiences.

Genres are also used to help the reader identify with the character and connect with them on a deeper level. When writing about a character, it is important to understand what genre will best suit the character's personality and story.

4. Create different relationships with the characters

5. Make sure there is conflict between the characters throughout the story and 6. Make sure there's an emotional payoff at the end

In order to make a story engaging, there needs to be conflict. This is where the characters need to face challenges and overcome them. There also needs to be an emotional payoff at the end of the story.

The 6th tip is having an emotional payoff at the end of the story. This is where your reader feels satisfied with what they have just read.

